Nearly half of our students were bullied at least once during the past month.*

If not addressed, bullying can cause irreversible damage to a child’s life
Find out how 2tough2bully™ empowers students, parents, and educators to take effective action.

Call 1-800-209-8114

* (Statistics for Grades 4–12)

Bullying Prevention

2tough2bully™ is a bullying prevention program for schools. It’s designed as an interactive and informative campaign that combines educational sessions with communication materials and other important resources.

Bullying has a multifaceted relationship with mental health issues. It’s both triggered by and results in mental illnesses. This is why the 2tough2bully™ program is designed to educate and empower young people to effectively tackle bullying—whether they are a bully themselves, a victim, or even a witness.

Over the years, our highly experienced MHAGC counselors have helped many schools in Chicago to successfully support their students to stand up against bullying and create a voice. We have also helped parents and educators to create the right support system to end bullying.

Who is this bullying prevention program for?

2tough2bully™ is specifically developed to help tackle bullying by educating young people.

But we believe that teachers and parents also have an active role to play in terms of both support and prevention.

That’s why our bullying prevention program uniquely targets the students, educators, and parents for a more effective and permanent outcome.

How can you benefit from 2tough2bully™?

This program will help you to understand the dangers of bullying and the tools and techniques available to address bullying and its effects on the mental health of young people.

At the completion of the 2tough2bully™ program, you will be able to:

  • Understand what bullying is and identify when it is happening.

  • Take effective action to prevent bullying-related mental health issues such as suicide attempts.

  • Help tackle bullying and violence.

  • Create communication avenues to discuss bullying.

  • Develop a clear understanding of cyberbullying and its consequences.

  • Develop the confidence to deal with bullying.

  • Develop problem-solving skills to address and prevent bullying.

  • Foster a kind and safe environment.

As parents and teachers, you will also be able to understand adult bullying at home and at school.

What does it cover?

There could be many underlying mental health issues behind bullying. And it could happen based on various factors—from ethnicity to a disability. The consequences of bullying are equally diverse—from depression to even suicide. Therefore, the 2tough2bully™ bullying prevention program provides an in-depth awareness together with tools and techniques to effectively tackle it.

The topics covered include:

  • How to prevent cyberbullying

  • LGBTQ bullying

  • Bullying based on disability

  • Bullying based on race, ethnicity, and culture

  • Bullying related to sexual harassment

  • What to do if you or someone else is bullied

  • Developing confidence

  • Conflict management

  • Dealing with anger

Program design

2tough2bullyTM is designed as an educational and interactive bullying prevention program conducted by our MHAGC counselors at your school.

This easy-to-follow and customizable program is developed by a highly experienced team of educators, psychologists, and professional curriculum designers. It is designed to be highly engaging with structured activities, role-playing, presentations, and videos. It also meets the SEL (Social Emotional Learning) Standards provided by the Board of Education as defined and adopted by 48 states.

In addition to the educational sessions for students, parents, and teachers, it includes:

  • A range of communication materials for students, such as 2tough2bully™ posters, T-shirts, and wristbands.

  • “What To Do About Bullying” booklets.

  • Collaboration with school personnel such as teachers, counselors, and social workers to provide resources for students who are dealing with bullying.

Take action today to end bullying!

Whether it’s schoolyard bullying or cyberbullying, it’s important to get involved in putting an end to this disruptive behavior without delay.

Find out how you can take effective action with our 2tough2bully™ program.

Call us today! 1-800-209-8114

2tough2bully™ Curriculum for Teachers

The 2tough2bully™ program is also available online as a scripted curriculum for teachers to use in their classrooms. This is offered as an annual curriculum license with our subscription plans.

The 2tough2bully™ curriculum for teachers is designed to be easy to follow and includes exercise materials, talking points, and videos to help you effectively facilitate bullying prevention sessions in your school.

Subscribe to our 2tough2bully™ Curriculum for Teachers!

Sign up today for our 2tough2bully™ bullying prevention curriculum for teachers!


MHAGC Teacher

Check out our range of education tools and resources available for teachers.

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